Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Check Out My New Invisible Chimney!

Today Matthias Pemberton started helping me on my roof. After the weekend, we plan to work together for the duration of my stay here. I'm really happy to have help from another good neighbor. In fact, that's the only kind of neighbor I've met around here yet! Lucky me :-) Speaking of neighbors, I got a new one when Paul and Aubrey (Mathias's sister) had their second baby, a boy this time.

Here is Matthias up on the roof today. He told me this was not a job for anyone afraid of heights. It really is helpful that we tie ourselves to the roof with ropes since it is so steep up there. It's not possible to walk on without slipping unless you have a rope or a brace under your feet. I told Matthias at this point, he is the shingle most important person in my life...

This morning Matthias helped me build the framework for my wood stove chimney. We spent the better part of the morning installing the chimney and I think it looks so cool. It better, because oh my gosh, insulated stove pipe is expensive!!! Chimney pics will follow soon.

Once we were done fiddling with that, we made some good progress on my shingles. I still have a long way to go, but diligent work will pay off before long. We both agreed we don't want to make a living installing shingles, but I am having fun watching my own muti-colored progress.

When I dropped Matthias off at the end of the work day, I checked in on his brother in law, Nathan Harper. He is making excellent progress on his cabin too! I think the use of logs for rafters makes such a beautiful ceiling. And the fact that the trees for the beams came out of Cousin Paul's yard just makes it that much more fun :-) This one is going to turn out great!

1 comment:

  1. I’m very pleased to meet you, Jon. You know what? You’re so lucky to have a friend like Matthias. He’s so brave and talented. Being a roofer is no joke, for it requires skills and talent for this kind of profession.
