Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Strangeset Thing I Ever Saw

This blog post has no photos. You're welcome. Yesterday I went to my cabin on my way into town to buy yet more supplies. In my doorway, I found a half-full (note my optimism) plastic bottle of Diet Coke. It was the 16 ounce kind with a lid about the size of a quarter. I noticed something was inside the bottle so I picked it up, wondering why someone would put trash in there with perfectly good soda pop.

I was equally revolted and amazed to see there were not one, but two dead mice in there! How incredible that they could climb up to the rim and squeeze down into their sweet demise without knocking the bottle over! I put the bottle down and went to town, not exactly sure how to dispose of such a thing; I only have one garbage can after all and I couldn't find the bottle cap to contain the fatal scene.

This next part will make you want to brush your teeth every time you drink soda pop. Can you believe when I came back today the soda pop had entirely dissolved the flesh of the little critters so all that was left was tiny rodent bones!??? If you'll buy that, I've got some ocean-front property in Arizona... But seriously, brush and floss daily, it's important.

1 comment:

  1. Jon, you are too funny! This reminds me of all the stuff circulating the internet about McDonalds burger and how they don't EVER go bad. People have burger that are 12 years old and counting that have no mold on them what-so-ever. So, everyone panics and starts ranting about how there are so many preservatives and evil things in those burgers that they never go bad. Well, it turns out there are no preservatives in the meat (though there are preservatives in the buns) and the reason they are not going bad is because people are drying them out. Dehydrating them. Put them in a jar with a lid so the moisture can not escape and they go bad just like any other burger. The fries on the other hand... Maybe it's all the salt?

    Anyway, why have you never invited us out to your place in Arizona? I love the ocean! ;-)
