Friday, October 1, 2010

How I get Inspired

If ever someone is thinking of building a cabin in the woods, they need only make a little visit to the Pembertons' to get one million and one ideas. Learn about these folks at I was over there the other day just to take a look at what's going on with their two latest construction endeavors. Nathan Harper, who helped me on my cabin, is just beginning his cabin with hopes of having the entire thing ready to live in by winter, which might be about two or three weeks away. If you'd ever seen Tony work, you would understand this is a totally reasonable goal...

Some of these pictures are old, so a lot progress has been made on some things pictured below. This is their main cabin which serves as a communal kitchen and dining area and doubles as housing for some of them too. Since this pic, it has been sided and lots of other stuff too.

Here is Damien and Jasmine's cabin. Inside is so pretty with a spiral staircase that has a natural branch railing.

This little cabin is all done now. Mathias did a great job of finishing it up. Now it has stucco siding and is white colored. A perfect bedroom for one!

It's totally possible to live in a bus, even in Minnesota in the winter!

But you'd be more comfy if you did like Paul and Aubrey and added a log cabin to the side of a converted bus because, why wouldn't you, right?
Somehow, the cabin attached to the bus impresses me most of all among the Freedom Seed cabins. Obviously, I am my Grandpa Burns' direct descendant. I could totally see him doing something like this. In fact, he already did something similar by making a double wide out of two single wide trailer houses with a roof over them. I liked the bus how it was, but now I'm basically amazed. I think it will be all closed in soon too, if it isn't already. It's been a few days since I looked.

Back of the bus house. Or maybe the front, I'm not sure...

Side (new front?) view. I told Paul I was mad at him for getting his roof shingled before mine when he started so much later.

New interior

The other new construction at Freedom Seed is Nathan and Sharayah's octagonal cabin. Last I looked, they had cleared out this area, and put together these boards to define the perimeter of the cabin. It's much larger than this picture makes it look, I think; 24 feet across!

They cleared out the area so quickly for the octo-cabin, I bet I'll see some major progress in a short time.

For years, I've been looking at cabins as I travel different areas. I'm always looking for features I like, dreaming of one day incorporating them into my own ideas. It's so much fun to decide just how to build a cabin, and I love seeing what others can dream up too.

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