Saturday, May 29, 2010

Aerial View

Here are a couple aerial photos of the lot. This first one is zoomed in as far as possible. The red star is at the intersection of County Rd. 3 (north/south oriented) and 500th St. My piece of land goes about to the top of this map and is half as wide east to west as it is long north to south. It's something like 320 feet by 640 feet.

The big brown to the left visible in the zoomed out map is an agricultural field, I believe. In this second map, my land is about a quarter the width of the green strip to the left of the star, and twice as long as it is wide, so the north edge of the lot is about where that group of trees kind of has a leg sticking down (except that leg of trees is actually north of my neighbor's lot since it's a bit west of my lot). If I'm looking at it right (not sure I am), those trees are all on my cousin Paul's land. I have five acres, the neighbor to the left has five, then there is another ten stretching as far left as the green area goes for a total of twenty acres. Paul's big group of trees lies on another 20 acres to the north that is the same shape (if that makes any sense at all...)

1 comment:

  1. Hey You!
    A Cabin you envious at all! :)

    Good luck with the build!

