Thursday, May 27, 2010

El Post Numero Uno

Voy a to write mis blogs en spanglish. Just kidding, English from here on out. I just set up my blog right this minute. I'm in CA still, but getting very excited to head out to Minnesota in like 3 weeks. I'm not excited about leaving Lynea in California, but I try to focus on how much longer the future is than the amount of time I'll be gone. In the meantime, we're doing lots of great bonding with activities like watching TV, rollerskating aaaaaand....

Tonight I worked on a spread sheet!!! That's how excited I am about learning to use MS Excel, 3 exclamation points worth. Lynea helped me set up a spread sheet to track the steps I need to do to build my cabin. I'm hoping I figure out a way to post that on here so my progress can be tracked visually on a chart. The spreadsheet has columns for projected and actual costs and time frames.

Now I'm going to go write some sort of introduction to explain what this blog is all about! I hope I wasn't supposed to do that first... I've never tried blogging before :-) Yay!

<3 Jon


  1. Yay! I'm going to get to follow your cabin in real life and on your blog! You're off to a great start. A picture's worth a thousand words. So a thousand pictures are worth, um, a lot more words. 1,000,000...a million, right? (Don't tell anybody I homeschool.) So keep the pictures coming, anyway.

    We're thrilled that your dream is coming true in our neck of the woods. We are anxious to see you!

    I hope you can get your spreadsheet up for us to see. I want to see if you're a better estimate-maker than I am. Ron (Paul) and I calculate our time and costs as closely as possible, then double it. Seriously. House building, business start-up, planting a garden...we're just both incredibly optimistic. It would be fun to watch you do better than us!

    We wish you the best. Happy dreaming, happy building, and happy blogging!


  2. Aw thanks Melanie! I think I have NO IDEA how long anything will take. Once I start the first steps, I might be able to kind of make estimates about future steps. Stay tuned, it should be entertaining to the onlooker.... So far I haven't figured out how to post a spread-sheet, but I'm workin' on it. I'm really glad to pursue my dream as your neighbor too! See ya'll soon!!!!!!!!!!
