Thursday, September 23, 2010

Totally Unofficially Autumn

The leaves have turned to cold colors of fire, revealing the region's burning desire to freeze and snow, and my roof is still not on... But I'm pluggin' away and making good progress nevertheless. Lynea was out for a five day visit and my house is looking much different than the last time (aka the first time) she was here.

Here is a reminder of what she saw at the first viewing in late July

And here is what it looks like now in late September, fall colors and all.

I feel like it's going slowly, but then I think that's pretty good progress for less than two month's work. While she was here, Lynea helped me frame up the east gable wall so now both gable walls are done. I swear with her help we got a full day's work done in two hours. I joke the reason it goes 3 times faster when one person helps me is because I don't spend half my time spacing out/dreaming about the next 27 steps. Who cares what kind of stove pipe I need??! Get a roof on already...

Current progress on the west end

While Lynea was here, we took in some sights. This was a sighting of neighbors helping neighbors; rather commonplace in these parts. Pictured here is Constable Bob in the foreground and Tony Pemberton behind putting the ridge beam in place on Sid's cabin. He just got his gable wall built up as well. The current weather-induced neighborhood theme: "Help, I need a roof!"

Lookin' good, Sid

One of the highlights of my week, and maybe of the northern Minnesota experience in general, was a fall tour of Itasca State Park. I was really glad Lynea was along to see such beauty even though she suffered a little in the chilly weather. I lent her an extra sweater and we tossed a softball back and forth to take the edge off the cool air.

Bundled up on the way to the park

Being cute/silly at the very very super dooper beginning of the mighty Mississippi River.

Someone spilled some paint on these leaves. It was God. What a klutz. (photo cred. to Lynea on this one and a few of the following)

I'm freaked out about not being done yet

This is the largest white pine in Itasca State Park. Apparently, if you got a group of people with really short arms, it would take over two individuals holding hands to completely encircle the trunk. Sorry Minnesota, California has deeply jaded my ability to be impressed by the diameter of a pine.

What you lack in tree size, you redeem in heavenly color.

I highly recommend you click to view enlarged details of this, my favorite photo I took all week.

I like this one too

The above photos at the pond were taken along the walk to this fire tower. I was really surprised and pleased it was open. It rose 100 feet above the ground and was all windy and sway-ey at the top. What a splendid place from which to view the brightly colored forest flora!

Somewhere around this level, we were amused to see one of those plastic parachute men entangled in the upper branches of the canopy. I see I'm not the first big kid to enter this park.

Ahhh, beauty

Till next time

1 comment:

  1. Ooops, I just figured out it's actually officially autumn. The equinox passed without me noticing. Not surprising
