Saturday, July 3, 2010

Photos, As Promised!

Today Nathan and I are heading up to my lot from Backus to build forms for the footing of my foundation. I spoke to the excavator on the phone this morning and he was just unloading the machine to dig out where my basement will go. My body is feeling awfully tired from all the masonry work I've been pitching-in on, so I'm really looking forward to taking a day off tomorrow for Independence Day. I'll work Monday again and Tuesday I have an appointment with the electric company to do some work toward getting me power at the property.

Paul highly focused on trying out his new mower. He said the steering works just like in a Bobcat, so he was really good at it right off the bat. It drives and mows really quickly so this machine will save him countless hours and a whole lot of fuel.

Here is Paul, under his house, putting in a sump pump to get the water out. I told him he probably should have built an ark instead! A small brass hose barb fitting broke and leaked water for somewhere around forty days and forty nights while he was away running his business in Backus. The house is about 32 feet by 100 feet and the water was ten inches deep, so we figure there were thousands of gallons of water under there. We didn't see two of every animal down there, just one tic on Paul that he probably brought in from the forest.

I'm looking happy in the flood, but it might have been closer to delirium. I had worked from 7 AM to about 6PM helping with masonry (dig my solid farmer tan), and this picture was taken around 11 PM the same day. We got a pump going and were finally in bed around 1 AM. I was tuckered, but got up at 6:30 for more masonry the next day anyhow. I was glad to give Paul a hand, and it was kind of fun to go play in the water in the middle of the night. Paul couldn't help laughing at my outfit.

I present the light fixture I scored at the ReStore for 11 bucks! I'm super excited to go back as I need more fixtures in the future. I'm still tempted to go pick up the bath tub shower deal I saw. I think they'll have good stuff in the future because the lady at the counter told me they have high turn over of products.

1 comment:

  1. Great update, Jon. I'm enjoying how quickly the progress is going on your building project. Norm and I will be starting a similar project in Wyoming next Spring. How wonderful to have an opportunity to connect with your family in such a relaxed, old fashioned way.
