Many of you may have a burning curiosity about how people in the Northwoods go to the bathroom. Most of them use toilets. I however, have a dream of relaxing in the woods on top of a bucket with the ever-present possibility of an eagle flying into view mid-business. There is a book called the Humanure Handbook ( which tells all about how to create a composting toilet using a very simple Do It Yourself system made of items easily found at any hardware store. If I were the only one to ever use my toilet, that's just what I'd have. But my better sensibility (and Minnesota state law) tells me my guests and future potential buyers of my house might prefer something that makes poop disappear. So my immediate plan is to build a traditional bathroom linked to traditional septic system, and somewhere down the line to have my dream outhouse built in the woods beyond sniffin' distance of the cabin. In the meantime, I'll bird-watch with my pants on.
Here's an artist's rendition of me in five years with age progression projected proportionally to the severity of Minnesota winters:
Love this, it's cheered me up considerably this foggy morning!