Paul Krueger posted this picture on facebook, so I thought what a great chance to share. The house is the same as I left it (I hope?) but looks quite different due to the changes in weather. I miss Minnesota when I look at this photo, but it's so easy to have fondness in my heart when the weather here was near 70 today, if not above. The sky is blue and sunshine abounds. It has been a lot like spring around here lately. I won't be surprised if we have deluge and floods in March, but it sure is pleasant now.
Things in California have been going well for me. I'm in school and enjoying my classes quite a bit. Right now I'm taking Environmental Science and Environmental Philosophy which is lots of fun to have together. In a week or so, I begin an American Government Class and an Art History one soon after that.
I have a job offer on the table and it looks like I'll be starting next week. I'll give details once things are finalized. Suffice to say, I'm excited!
Being home is so sweet. I'm really loving my cabin in the redwoods and I've gotten to spend a lot of time doing fun things with Lynea. This weekend, we're going to see two plays. I've begun a side career as a referee for women's roller derby and it is so much fun! Lynea came along to watch for the first time last night. I really love roller skating and the exercise has been great because I never feel like I'm working, but I'm always sweating and getting lots of cardio. I just got tipped off there is a women's roller derby team in Bemidji too, so any of you out in MN might wanna look into that! I know I'll try to skate with them next time I'm out.
I'm in the library just now, so back to the books I go :-) Did I mention I love school?